I taught my last class at Williamstown Yoga last Friday and after the last teary student had left ~ I sat on my own and reflected on my 18 years at the Centre.
I knew in my heart it was time to step away ~ the gentle whisper of my heart had become a loud roar!
I sat in the silence of the centre with gratitude for all that was, is and shall be…….
I then closed the door to one of the biggest chapters of my life and I felt the exhaustion pervade every inch of my body. I was beyond exhausted. How long had my soul been wanting me to stop before I finally did? too long!
A week has passed and I am pleased that I stopped for me ~ I had spent so many years doing what was right for the yoga centre; but now it was my time to do what was right for me and that felt really really really good!
I am proud that I was the one who had the dream of opening a yoga centre and I did it.
Over 18 years we had 3 venues and I was supported by a group of dedicated teachers who were the backbone of the centre.
It has a new principal now ~ Fiona, a passionate and dedicated teacher who has been busily creating her own space and breathing new life into it.
Now…. I am constantly asked ‘what are you going to do’?
The truth is I do not know and that sounds and feels so liberating to not know and to be ok with that.
But I do know that there is something out there for me ~ I can feel it and I trust that.
I just had to let go……