Ultimate Indulgence Retreat ~ Bali 2013

A beautiful group of women arrived for Feminine Spirits Ultimate Indulgence Retreat in Ubud Bali.  They were so in need of this retreat and Trudy and I were ready to pamper + nourish their bodies + souls.

This year we had first time guests who werent sure what to expect; whilst others arrived worrying that their families would not cope without them.
Others knew they needed to be there for whatever reason and we were once again blessed with so many returning guests (now friends) who settle quickly into the familiar surrounds bringing an easy + relaxed vibe to the group of women who for one week who amazingly come together like long lost best friends….

The theme for the 2013 retreat was inspired by the planets + the sun sign of Cancer and our focus was on home, food, wellness, inspiration, self care, pleasure, dreams + discovery.  We have set in motion a cycle that will conclude in July 2014.

We enjoyed a ‘mindful eating workshop’ to instill a deeper ‘awareness’ of its not just what you eat ~ but how you eat!
From then on ate slowly, taking time to enjoy the taste, breathing as we ate, enjoying the pleasure of food and great company.

The Spirit of the Home workshop showed them how important how home is to your soul.  They learnt ways to cleanse their home of negative energies!  They got to practice on their rooms with incense ~ making their rooms a sacred space for them to relax in…

The Bali Glow Makevoers signals the point within the retreat when she is the butterfly breaking free from the cocoon!
Under Trudy’s expert guidance the women are shown how to highlight their best features (rather than hide the bits they dont like) + miracles occur.


Last but not least, our spa treatments ~ what can I say?  Our spa menu is unique and each treatment links to the theme for the day and for the retreat.
They are not your cheap treatments you can get in Bali ~ anyone can find them.  I have sourced some of the best Balinese therapists to nurture the women and they literally float out of each treatment.

The Bali Goddesses 2013 ~ Striking a Pose!
The Ultimeate Indulgence Retreat is unique ~ there is no other retreat like it…..
We are both so proud of this retreat and what it brings to the women ~ they return home feeling like ‘a new woman’ ready for ‘a new beginning’

I will let Rosalind Russell have the last word
“Taking joy in living is a woman’s best cosmetic”