The heart may twinge this month as what needs healing may surface. And that my dear is a good thing.
Prior to this healing I have smudged my space and journeyed with the drum to show me where the healing is needed and your heart is calling me!.
Tears need to be shed! It’s time for emotional release…let it come.
This healing offers a heart + soul re-alignment and will resolve neck + throat issues.
3 generations of heart healing with Sea Shell Essence was needed. What was your great grandparents lives like at the age you are today? I download the energy of this essence thru dowsing + reiki into your timeline to present day….
Petitgrain ~ The Oil of Ancestry
And a theme presents….
Petitgrain invokes appreciation of ancestral knowledge, wisdom + family history and that we can honour our lineage but still live our own truth. If you are the chain-breaker of unhealthy family traditions – anoint your heart chakra with this oil!
The heart feels lacking of something…. and the Tikashi Cards call me……. voila! Spontaneity!!!
“Be spontaneous on the inside. Have fun. Do something unusual or different. Get out of your head and into your heart. Think kind thoughts”
How can you bring this energy to life in your heart? Don’t make a list – just do it!
I hear the word SERIOUS many times over and I reflect on your great grandparents.. did they have enough joy in their life? Or was life way to serious for something so frivolous?
Perhaps this is what has needed healing for you and your ancestors…?
I Reiki the heart with the energy of spontaneity till I feel …. JOY.
A sense of joy and excitement for a new beginning. This is what will come with spontaneity, joy + love. Tend the garden of your heart with these qualities during February and notice what blossoms.
Be there for yourself with love in your heart for YOU.