April Healing + Reading….

April Healing and Reading is now available for you to enjoy in the comfort of your own sacred space.

April Healing with breathwork + ancestral visualization 35.04
I did it my way!!!!

Spiritual Toolbox

Desert Crystal + Botanical Elixir   ~  30 drops  by Feminine Spirit
Infused with an intention crystal which journeyed with me to the sacred lands of the Never Never.    Clears old stagnant stuck shame that’s shuts you down, out + off from your power, creativity, joy, laughter + dreams…

Soul Work  ~
Take time to do more of what restores your colour, voice, wonder + awe…
Simplify your life so you can discover more of what brings you joy + makes your heart sing.
Spring Clean your home, diet, wardrobe, life and whatever else to clear stagnant energy

Restful Blend
by Do-Terra ~ Rest, Rejuvenation, Reconnection, Relaxation….

Message in Numbers ~ 313
Resuscitation of your dreams held within your heart + soul

Fire Element – Koshi Chimes
Is your inner life in harmony with your outer life?
Is there a door, window, cycle of life that needs to close.

Chakra Colours
Pink to bring healing to the chalice of the womb
Gold to bring healing to the chalice of the heart…
