My birthday has passed for yet another year (I am a Scorpio) however, I thought I would share with you my birthday ritual.
I invite you to print this out and put it into your birthday page of your 2011 diary.
Seven days before your birthday
- Make a note in your diary to book a massage with reiki or healing treatment as a birthday present to yourself.
- Notice how you are honestly feeling? Pour out your feelings in whatever way is right for you, just let go!
- If you are feeling depressed, sad or lost, this is a signal from your soul that you have stepped off your pathway in life.
- Your treatment will clear any residue hurt, karma or issues that are ready to be released.
Birthday week
Infuse this new creative cycle with love, an abundance of self care, friends, family and laughter (good food and great wine too!)
Birthday ritual
- Create space to sit, write (in a journal or diary) without being disturbed.
- Read through any past intentions including New Years Eve intentions and write down which ones were fulfilled.
- Note down all the positive changes you have made in your life in the past year
- Before your next birthday what is one thing you could do to create a more fulfilling life?
- Breath and feel with your heart as you write down your intentions for self, loved ones, career, dreams, education, spirit, finances, health, lifestyle and relationships.
Meditation to farewell your birth day
Light a candle and softly gaze into the flame, as your breath quietens your eyes will gently close
Breath a light filled energy down into the chalice of your heart until it is full
Place one by one all of the magical blessings of your year into your heart
Smile down into your heart and keep doing so until your heart smiles back at you
Sink down into your grateful heart…
When you are ready
Gently blow the candle out and farewell the day
awaken to a new year, a new passion, a new dream.